Spartan Fleet is a Role Playing Game (RPG) Fleet usually in the STAR TREK universe. But we do accept other realms of RPG's. Most are PbEM (Play by E-Mail) via Yahoo! Groups. The Fleet was founded by Fleet Admiral (Retired) Jacob Rand, the first Commander in Chief in late 2001 along with his wife Fleet Admiral (Retired) Rebecca Harrison, the second Commander in Chief. I, Fleet Admiral Survic am the third and current Commander in Chief. Though Jacob & Rebecca still own the Fleet, it's name and website, I run it for them (like a landlord).
Fleet's Role Playing Games:
Starbase Saloon (Headquarters)
Our USS Voyager (Flagship; OUV - USS Voyager-D)
USS Enterprise-G
USS Corypheus
Starbase Tejas
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
IKS Lokat Mur'An