Starbase Saloon is a Starbase designed to stand against the Borg, built in 2388. We are in 2407, 29 years after Voyager returned home. We have the Ablative Hull Armor and the new Transphasic Torpedoes. The problem is the Borg is close to finding away through the Armour and already have some defense against the Torpedoes. We are a member of Spartan Fleet. We're also equipped with Fighters (like on Babylon 5). This Starbase is under the Command of Captain Strek Dax and Executive Officer Commander Paul Lawson. It is also the Headquarters of Spartan Fleet.
INTRO VIDEO (February 2007)

Ending Game to the Starbase Saloon RPG. This last mission will have 2 parts: A) Tying up the loose ends in the Emie'ackian plot. Ending the Emie'ackian/Federation War and having the two join forces against 'The Shadows'. The evil race the Emie'ackians were hunting in our Galaxy that was from their own. B) Jumping ahead 10 Years for a final character development. Players will get to pick what they will be in this time, what rank they are, etc. For example, Survic will be elected President of the United Federation of Planets.
Starbase Saloon Group
Starbase Saloon's MySpace Page
Starbase Saloon's Honored Dead
President: | Survic Stone | ![]() |
First Lady: | Aurora Stone | ![]() |
Commanding Officer: | Captain Strek Dax | ![]() |
Executive Officer: | Commander Paul Lawson | ![]() |
Second Officer/Chief Science Officer: | Commander Jalena Dax | ![]() |
Chief of Fighter Operations: | Colonel Lu Rod "4 of 5" | ![]() |
Chief of Operations: | Lieutenant TBA | ![]() |
Chief of Security/Tactical: | Lieutenant TBA | ![]() |
Chief Medical Officer: | Dr.(Lieutenant) TBA | ![]() |
Chief of Engineering: | Lieutenant TBA | ![]() |
M.A.C.O. Commanding Officer: | Captain (M) TBA | ![]() |
Commanding Officer, USS Oklahoma: | Captain Suvok | ![]() |
Episode List
Episode Number | Episode Title | Episode Dates |
Episode 01 | "Begin Sim" | 02/11/2002 - 04/02/2002 |
Episode 02 | "You can't run from Destiny!" | 04/23/2002 - 09/30/2002 |
Episode 03 | "On Base" | 10/03/2002 - 12/15/2002 |
Episode 04 | "Two Empires" | 02/02/2003 - 03/18/2003 |
Episode 05 | "Dark Ages" | 03/19/2003 - 05/12/2003 |
Episode 06 | "Into the Mirror" | 05/12/2003 - 09/16/2003 |
Episode 07 | "The Virus Factor" | 09/16/2003 - 12/12/2003 |
Episode 08 | "R&R" | 12/12/2003 - 02/01/2004 |
Episode 09 | "Super Humanoid" | 02/01/2004 - 04/17/2004 |
Episode 10 | "Deals and Games" | 04/18/2004 - 12/15/2004 |
Episode 11 | "The Battle" | 12/15/2004 - 02/05/2005 |
Episode 12 | "Fetch The Admiral" | 02/06/2005 - 03/17/2005 |
Episode 13 | "A Visit from Q" | 03/17/2005 - 06/16/2005 |
Episode 14 | "During the Xindi Hunt" | 06/16/2005 - 09/17/2005 |
Episode 15 | "Unseen Killer" | 09/17/2005 - 02/13/2006 |
Episode 16 | "Vengeance" | 02/13/2006 - 08/11/2006 |
Episode 17 | "Operation Anti-Genesis" | 08/12/2006 - 12/24/2006 |
Episode 18 | "Undeleted Coordinates" | 01/02/2007 - 04/28/2007 |
Episode 19 | "Fight Club" | 04/28/2007 - 07/02/2007 |
Episode 20 | "Assignment Earth" | 07/02/2007 - 12/09/2007 |
Episode 21 | "Legalities" | 12/11/2007 - 06/14/2008 |
Episode 22 | "Black Market" | 06/15/2008 - 12/01/2008 |
Episode 23 | "The A.P.B." | 12/01/2008 - 04/15/2009 |
Episode 24 | "R&R2" | 04/15/2009 - 09/02/2009 |
Episode 25 | "Mutiny" | 09/08/2009 - 08/16/2010 |
Episode 26 | "EndGame" | 08/16/2010 - PRESENT |
POPULATION: 16,000,000
Resricted Areas in Red
Deck 1 | Command Deck, Starbase CO's Ready Room, Starbase XO's Office, Senior Officer's Conference room. |
Decks 2-10 | Communications Array, Upper Sensor Array. |
Deck 11 | Main Communications, Chief Comm Officer's Office. |
Deck 12-13 | Main Operations, Quartermaster's Office, Lifeboats. |
Deck 14 | OPS Power Grid, Observation areas. |
Decks 15-20 | Upper Computer Core (Primary), Star Fleet Administrative Offices. |
Deck 21 | Emergency Transporters and Lifeboats, Weapons Storage. |
Deck 22 | Battle Deck, General Confrence Room, Transporter Rooms 1-4, Holodecks 1-5 (official use only). |
Deck 23 | Administrative Offices. (Civilian Director's, Spartan Fleet Command offices). |
Deck 24 | Administrative Offices. (Task Force Command and Department offices). |
Decks 25-40 | Senior Officers' Quarters, VIP Guest Quarters (CO's & XO's Quarters on Deck 25). |
Deck 41 | Senior Officers' Quarters, Senior Officer/VIP Dining Room, Banquet Room. |
Decks 42-70 | Junior Officers' Quarters. |
Deck 71 | Officer's Gymnasium, Enlisted Gymnasium, Holodecks 6-15 (recreational use). |
Decks 72-100 | Enlisted Crew Quarters. |
Deck 101 | Science Labs 1-2, Secondary Astrometrics Bay, Medical Bay 1-2. |
Decks 102-103 | Torpedo and Probe Storage Area, Backup Command Level Computer Core. |
Deck 104 | Upper Stabilizing Engines (spans 104-105), Upper Phaser & Torpedo Array. |
Deck 105 | Upper Shield Generators, Upper Impulse Engines (spans 104-105). |
Decks 106-107 | Command Level Fusion Reactors. |
Decks 108-110 | Cargo Bays. |
Deck 111 | Shuttle Commander's Office, Pilot Briefing Room/Ready Room, Pilot Lockers. |
Decks 111-115 | Strategic & Tactical Planning Room, Ops Power Grid. |
CORE | |
Deck 116 | Upper Tractor Beam Control, Boatswain's Office. |
Decks 117-120 | Fusion Reactors (Dedicated to Spacedock Door Power). |
Decks 121-140 | Replicator Stock Storage (for upper Decks). |
Decks 141-150 | Shuttle Repair Area, Emergency Transporters. |
Decks 151-154 | Upper Promenade, Observation Decks, Medical Bay 3-5. |
Deck 155 | Middle Tractor Beam Control, Main Transporter 5-25, Holodecks 16-35 (recreational use). |
Decks 156-170 | Docking Ports, Power Transfer Conduits (for external ship support). |
Decks 171-180 | Fusion Reactors for External Ship Support. |
Deck 181 | Emergency Control Room. |
Decks 182-190 | Life Support, Fusion Reactors for External Ship Support. |
Decks 191-201 | Security Decks, Holding cells for all environments, Weapon Storage, Master of Arms Office, Emergency Transporters. |
Decks 202-225 | Upper waste recycling facilities. |
Decks 226-227 | OPS III (Battle Center III), Spacedock Door Control Center, Lower Tractor Beam Control. |
Decks 228-240 | Auxiliary Fusion Reactors (Dedicated to Phaser Systems). |
Decks 241-299 | Large craft module repair center, Emergency Transporters. |
Decks 300-500 | Cargo bays. |
DOME | |
Decks 116-140 | Shuttle Bays 1-100 (access via docking bay doors or elevators to outer hull). |
Deck 141 | Upper SD Level Phaser Banks, Upper SD Level Torpedo Launchers. |
Decks 142-143 | Alpha Promenade Level, Public Recreational Holosuites and Holodecks 26-55, Transporter Rooms 36-55. |
Decks 144-145 | Beta Promenade Level, Public Replimat, UFP & Star Fleet services. |
Decks 146-147 | Gamma Promenade Level, Emergency Transporters, Emergency Lifeboats. |
Decks 148-149 | Delta Promenade Level, Hotels, Bars, Restaurants. |
Decks 150-199 | Visiting crew quarters. |
Decks 200-300 | Docking Bay/Starship Repair Center (fits 20 large ships/30 medium ships/40 small ships/800 shuttles). |
Decks 201-270 | Docking Bay Doors. |
Deck 294 | Torpedo Storage, Middle SD Level Shield Generators. |
Decks 295-299 | Middle SB Level Phaser Banks, Middle SB Level Torpedo Launchers. |
Decks 300-549 | Civilian Quarters. |
Decks 550-577 | Impulse engines. |
Deck 578 | Emergency Lifeboats. |
Decks 501-978 | Deuterium Fuel Pumps, Fill Ports, Deuterium Storage, Replicator Stock Storage (for middle Decks & ships), Auxiliary Fusion Reactors (Dedicated to Phaser Systems). |
Deck 979 | Torpedo Storage, Lower SD Level Shield Generators. |
Decks 980-1000 | Lower SB Level Phaser Banks, Lower SB Level Torpedo Launchers. |
Deck 1001 | Main Medical Bay, Chief Medical Officer's Office, Counselor's Offices. |
Decks 1002-1050 | Medical Labs, Hospital wardrooms, Surgical Wards. |
Deck 1051 | Starfleet Personnel Services, Main Transporters 56-70, Holodecks 56-70 (recreational use). |
Decks 1052-1060 | Medical Level Engineering area, Medical/Diplomatic Level Fusion Reactors, Life Support, Shield Generators. |
Decks 1061-1063 | Diplomatic Corps / Judge Advocate General Offices, Court rooms. |
Deck 1064 | Federation Colonial Affairs, Diplomatic Communications Center. |
Decks 1065-1067 | Various Corprate Offices, Holodecks 71-80 (Diplomatic/Legal use only), Emergency Transporters. |
Decks 1068-1069 | Federation Member Offices, Emergency Lifeboats. |
Decks 1070-1089 | Cultural Embassies, (Cardassian, Breen, Klingon, Romulan, etc.) |
Decks 1090-1100 | Main Summit Chamber (capacity 2000+ people). |
Deck 1101 | Main Transporter Rooms 71-85, Aid station. |
Deck 1102 | Emergency Life Support, OPS Power Node, OPS IV (Battle Center IV), Shield Generators. |
Decks 1103-1106 | Torpedo Storage Areas. |
Decks 1107-1110 | Torpedo Launchers, Phaser Banks. |
Decks 1111-1112 | Observation Deck (open to arboretum & garden level), Science Labs, Medical Ward. |
Decks 1113-1499 | Observation Deck, Science Laboratories, Holodecks 81-95 (for Science use only). |
Decks 1103-1499 | (core) Arboretum. |
Deck 1500 | Middle Sensor Array, Chief Science Officer's Office, Science section head offices. |
Decks 1501-1539 | Science Level Fusion Reactors, Life Support, Shield Generators. |
Decks 1540-1549 | Shuttle repair facilities. |
Decks 1550-1600 | (outer "domes") Shuttle bays 101-150. |
Decks 1550-1600 | (inner core) Main Science Labs. |
Deck 1601 | OPS Power Grid, Shield Generators, Transporter Rooms 86-90, Holodecks 96-110 (Security, Tactical use only). |
Decks 1602-1605 | Torpedo Launchers, Phaser Banks, Tactical Office, Intelligence Offices. |
Decks 1606-1610 | Torpedo Storage Areas, Security Level Fusion Reactors. |
Decks 1611-1640 | Main Security Office, Holding cells for all environments. |
Decks 1641-1698 | Starbase Saloon Prison (all environments). |
Decks 1699-1701 | Engineering Support Labs. |
Decks 1702-1780 | Visiting Crew Quarters. |
Decks 1780-1799 | Emergency Lifeboats. |
Deck 1800 | Medical Bay, Emergency Transporters, Emergency Lifeboats. |
Deck 1801 | School Room, Education Center, Historical Library, Museum. |
Decks 1802-2250 | Civilian Quarters, Main Engineering (2250). |
Deck 2251 | Torpedo Storage, Upper SD Level Shield Generators, Main Engineering, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2252-2254 | Flight Command Crew and Flight Staff Quarters, Main Engineering, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2255-2256 | Engineering Support Labs, Emergency Lifeboats, Science Labs 3-10, Main Engineering, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2257-2258 | Main Engineering, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Deck 2259 | Marine Offices, Holodecks 111-125 (Marine use only), Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2271-2297 | Marine Decks (Quarters, Mess Hall, Gymnasium, Equipment and Weapon Storage), Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Deck 2298 | Life Support, Shield Generators, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2299-2300 | Engineering Computer Core (Secondary), Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Deck 2301 | Transporter Rooms 91-105, Emergency Sickbay, Holodecks 126-139 (Engineering use only), Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2302-2315 | Engineering Fusion Reactors, OPS Power Grid, Chief Engineer's Office, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2316-2325 | Auxiliary Fusion Reactors (Dedicated Phasers and Life Support), Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2326-2350 | Deuterium Fuel Storage, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2351-2370 | Maintenance, Maintenance Drone Storage and Repair, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2371-2380 | Engineering Bays, Engineering Labs, Prototype Technology Bay, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Deck 2381 | Industrial replicators, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2382-2384 | Environmental Control, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2385-2390 | OPS V (Battle Center V), Torpedo Launchers, Phaser Banks, Torpedo Storage, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2391-2379 | Cargo Bays, Shield Generators, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2380-2400 | Impulse Engines (not visible), Navigation systems, Gyrostabilizer control, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2401-2424 | Shuttlebays 151-200 (can hold 10 Shuttles/Fighters each at one time), Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2425-2440 | Transporters, Lower Communication's Office, Lower Science Bay, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2441-2469 | Cargo Bays, Modular Storage, Environmental Management, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2470-2489 | OPS Power Grid, Waste Management, Shield Generators, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2490-2500 | Subspace Antennas, Auxiliary sensor array, Gamma Ray Telescopes, Main Emergency Impulse Engines. |
Decks 2500-2502 | Main Emergency Impulse Engine's Thrusters. |