Lieutenant Commander Ann Spillane

Name: Ann Spillane
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Position: First Officer USS Galen

Starfleet History
pre 2376: Lieutenant assigned to USS Gryphon as Security Chief
2380: Reassigned to USS Galen as First Officer

Personal History
In the year 2376, Lieutenant Spillane was the security chief of the Federation starship USS Gryphon. During the Gateways crisis, she directed the evacuation of Europani refugees from Costa Rocosa on planet Europa Nova, through a gateway to Torona IV, homeworld of the Jarada. When Kira Nerys and Elaine Mello pursued Alejandro Montenegro, Mello left Spillane in charge of the bridge of the Gryphon. In 2380 she was made the First Officer of the medical ship USS Galen originally under Commander Glenn then Commander Beverly Crusher.

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