Ensign Lyndsay Ballard

Name: Lyndsay Ballard
Rank: Ensign
Position: Engineer USS Voyager(alt)

Starfleet History
2371: Assigned to USS Voyager as Engineer

Personal History
When Ballard entered Starfleet Academy, she became close friends with Harry Kim, who lived across the hall in their student dorm. She taught him to ice skate, despite his dislike for cold weather. During her Academy years, she never knew that Kim had a crush on her, and that being in the same classes as him was not a coincidence. Her favorite things to eat were peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; during dinner with Captain Kathryn Janeway she mentioned that she used to live on them during her Academy years. Her sloppiness sometimes caused Kim to ask for a baryon sweep of his room. Ballard's favorite saying came from an old Klingon battle cry, "Own the day." She believed in attacking each day and possessing it. According to Kim, that was what made her so much fun to be around. In 2371, Ballard graduated from Starfleet Academy as an ensign and was posted to the newly-commissioned USS Voyager under the command of Captain Janeway. There, she was reunited with Harry Kim. Her primary post was in main engineering.

After arriving in 2380 Ballard remained on her Voyager. When Harry Kim came to ask her out he wet himself. She didn't know what brought him to engineering that day but she suspected he got cold feet about asking her out. Once the new DS9 arrived in the Ocampa system Ballard was assigned as part of the team to install the quantum slipstream drive. Harry eventually got up the nerve to ask her out again but got even more nervous and had an accident that drove Lyndsay from her quarters for a few days.

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